I went to a job interview last week and it ended up being more self-exploratory than self-praising, if that makes sense. I didn’t get called back for a second interview, but I realized during the interview that it probably wasn’t something I would have been happy doing anyways. It’s definitely in line with many of the things I think I enjoy doing, but it didn’t have the people interaction I need.
My favorite question, “Tell me a little about yourself.” I gave my somewhat pre-developed answer and was ready for the next, “Tell me what kind of experience you’ve gained up until now.” I explained many of the things I’ve done in past jobs, focused on the positive things I’ve learned, developed and enjoyed. However, the next thing out of the recruiter’s mouth struck me – something along the lines of “so it seems that most of your experience and what you enjoy rests in coordinating events and projects.” That, and people, yes…but the job I was applying for had little to do with these elements. I definitely enjoyed the recruiter’s interpretation abilities and the fact that she repeated what was coming out of my mouth back to me to make me more aware of what I was saying, and really wanted.
What I’m trying to figure out now is what elements do I need in a job, what do I want in a job, and what elements am I okay not doing in job – instead they could just be hobbies.
The next time a job opportunity comes up I'll have a better idea of what types of jobs are actually a good fit for me (I hope).
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