
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Amalgamate: My Love for Trees and the Environment

For Blog Action Day 2007, I wrote about my love of trees. To read about this year's post on water...go here.

My last ''Amalgamate'' post. A post from...a while ago:

So today is an e-reknown holiday, "Blog Action Day." 

And here I sit thinking, 'what can I post today to help others become more environmentally aware?'

If I asked you what you do to help preserve, retain, up-keep, sustain, etc....our environment? What would you say?

I'd guess that a majority would say they recycle. A handful would say they reuse. And another few would find ways to reduce. (If you aren't familiar with the lingo, visit

But how much of this is more here-say than actually doing? I'll be the first to admit that I talk a lot more than I act, especially when it comes to talking pro-environment.

But imagine a world without trees? I find it quite impossible. But someday...who knows what our detriment might look like?

Visit the
 Alliance for Sustainability to see more ways that you can help leave a smaller footprint. 

"What better gift can we give this precarious earth than a generation of children [And adults] who have learned to know and love the natural world?"

-Robert Rockwell

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Have a Blessed Thanksgiving!

My favorite part of Thanksgiving this year? The fact that I get to sleep in with my husband on our first turkey day as a married couple, wake up easy, drink some coffee, read the paper, and have the time to reflect on how blessed we are.

Of course the moment noon strikes we’ll be rushing out the door, hoping from family to family, socializing and eating. We probably won’t sit and relax most of the day.

But, without even realizing it, I’ve gotten my wish for Thanksgiving – to be home for at least part of the holiday with just my family (just D and I).

I’ve been a little irked lately that it’s nearly impossible for us to start any new holiday traditions as a newly married couple since we have ALL our family within driving distance. It’s something many people long for, and something for which we’re equally thankful for. But we spend half the day driving from place to place. Part of me wants to stay home on this blistering blessed day (the weather is pretty much deathly). And, up until this week I thought we would be running around all day. But…dot dot dot…I’ve been pleasantly informed that we actually don’t need to be ANYWHERE in the morning. Which is, bliss.

Anyways, for all of you traveling to see loved ones today, count all your blessings (and your frozen toes if you’re in MN). For those of you without loved ones today, be comforted and thankful. There’s so much to be thankful for. Fresh water, a warm shelter, loving friends and family, and a generous Savior.

"[Jesus] said, 'This is how you should pray: Father, may your name be honored. May your Kingdom come soon. Give us our food day by day.’” Luke 11:2-3 NLT

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Beauty Defined

Wikipedia reads: "Judgments of beauty are sensory, emotional, and intellectual all at once."

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Monday, November 22, 2010

Amalgamate: Beautiful Snow

In September I announced that I would be working on decluttering the blogosphere, and shutting down my former blog, It's Miller Time. With this, I'm reposting some of my former material on manifesting inspiration to save and preserve my thoughts of yore.

Enjoy a post from November 2007, Beautiful Snow:

A beautiful friend shared this beautiful poem with me. Enjoy.

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Friday, November 19, 2010

Midwest Home Show: Nov. 19-21, 2010

Yippee! I'm going to the 20th Annual Midwest Home Show this weekend! Over 200 remodelers, landscapers, designers and home improvement people to steal  learn home improvement tricks from.

Come join me and experience the Room&Board's Midwest Home Lounge & Design Center, learn how to green your home with MNGreenStar, or score amazing savings on NKBA's kitchen and bath sale!

Anybody else get giddy about attending home shows?

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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Read This: Place Your Bids

Who doesn't love online auctions, contests, or give aways? Well, I always do. Kirby at Colors of Honey posted a sweet post on her friend's auction, the proceeds go to help a family start their family. The listing for the action is at 32 Auctions. And Kirby's pieces are this beautiful hair clip and these fun cross-stitch wall hangings!

If you didn't notice, the hair piece is the one Kirby made me for my wedding!

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

morning routine in the works

I sit here and smile with a cup of warm coffee. My first daily Star Tribune,
found lying in the driveway this morning.

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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Iris and Lily

So this picture was originally tiny, so it might be a bit fuzzy. But this is a photo of my beautiful bouquet my Dustin sent to work for me. Gawww embarrasing. Since my buds are not yet bloomed, this is a marketing photo. I can't wait to see them in full bloom like this!
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