
Monday, June 21, 2010

A little peak, a little sweet

Finally viewed our entire online gallery of engagement pictures - over 400 images! Searching for the perfect image to share, I decided that I'd really like to keep them secret until D's and my wedding. We have a wedding detail planned with our engagement photos which I hope will capture the attention of our guests with them seeing the photos for the first time... So here's a little peak into our session anyways.

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Friday, June 18, 2010

Engagement Photos, Destination Determination

Coming up with a location for engagement photos was a hard decision for me. I knew I wanted a location where D and I could be ourselves, dress a bit casual and have a blast. Some of the locations we had thought about included the MN Landscape Arboretum (beautiful!), Dellwood Orchard, a nature center and a barn-like aestetic. However, to go to the arboretum would have meant paying to get in for us and our photographer. The orchard definitely wouldn't have had the full-orchard affect since we weren't looking at doing photos in the fall. And I didn't have time to spot out foreign nature or barn-like areas. So, I decided to go with one of the first options I had considered: Stillwater.

Stillwater, the home of the beautiful St. Croix River, quaint shops and old downtown neighborhoods.

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Friday, June 11, 2010

Engagement Shoot

Dustin and I had our engagement session last night! After being postponed once already, we decided to chance it on the rain -- with success! No rain! Especially nice since we're only two months out from the wedding, but I wanted some warm-weather shots outdoors. 
We were in beautiful Stillwater, MN bopping around Main Street, the bridge and the local beach! I can't wait to see all our photos!
Here's a photo of us from our mini-engagement session this past winter.