
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Time to say goodbye, for now.

Friends, and few followers,

I've come to a fork in the road...although the direction I will take is pretty certain. It's just a matter of time. Within the past year or so I've found myself aiming and failing, dreaming and forgetting, thinking and finding myself dumbfounded in relation to blogging, and writing. It's this constant battle that has caused me to take some time to pause and think. What are my long-term goals, does this blog fit into that? Does this blog need to be about more than a forum of self-interest and self-expression? Should I be writing for an audience, or myself...can can this blog be fitting for both? How often should I be writing? If I can't write as much as I'd like to, is it worth doing at all? Will my readers (or prospective readers) lose interest if I don't meet their expectations? What are their expectations? Am I losing readers/followers/friends/etc. by being inconsistent with this blog? Do I enjoy this? Do I even enjoy writing? Do I continue this blog without knowing all of these questions?

I don't know the answer to all of these questions. But, I do know the answer to the last one. I know that I need to have at least some of these things figured out before I continue blogging. For me to continue, to spend time on, to enjoy writing...I need to know my audience better. I don't have a clear image of what audience this is because I haven't had a clear purpose for this blog, besides creative expression. I think (I repeat, 'I think') the people who stumble upon my blog are either friends (who just happen to like me), or people searching for a blog on a certain topic. If returning, both may continue to search/read/follow my blog, maybe anticipate certain content related  to whatever they search for, but both may equally find themselves disappointed. This, simply because you won't find continuity here...not yet.

Until some of these questions have answers, I don't have a lot of motivation to continue writing in this format. I know I will again, someday. But, that may not be for a while.

I look forward to the day when there's a clear purpose behind every word, post, article, thought, comment in my writing. When a reader reads something on my blog and can return, expecting the same quality, consistent content they know to be there. Something better lies ahead.

Thank you for remaining, thank you for listening.

This blog may remain idle for a while, but will be removed in time. If you have any questions, or wish to be contacted if, and when, a new forum is published please comment here or email me @ sayre{dot}sheena{at}.gmail[dot]com.

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy V-day!!

I don't even get to see my dear D until late tonight...but, I just
received these! Shari's Berries!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Making my last resolution count

Exercise, Exercise, Exercise. Something I've been wanting to move myself to do since I got married. I've gradually seen myself get less in shape and 2011 is the year to change that. Unlike my other three resolutions that haven't panned out the way I've planned, this resolution is going to stick. I have gradually picked up exercising on a more routine basis, with the help of friends, my husband, and my freer schedule. More emphasis on the first two, less on that last one. I'm only slightly less crazy because graduate classes haven't picked up again for the spring semester.

However, I've found the key to my success (knock-knock): va-ri-e-ty. Variety. Not only am I exercising in the ajoining gym to my work a couple times a week with the hubby, but I'm mixing it up with volleyball, walking, exercise videos (P90X for your information) and even a one-time two hour cross country trek across a frigid lake with blistering winds (not going to do that again anytime soon).

Now, three weeks into January and I'm feeling as great as I did on my wedding day, with bikini season still over four months away. Ha.

Here's to a healthier 2011!

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