
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Repost: $5 in Faith

Have you ever seen "Pay it Forward?" I haven't. But I'm guessing it's something like this:

"This Sunday morning, Keith put a $5 bill in each of our journals, and ask that we pray over this $5 bill, and ask God what He might have us each do with it...I gave it away that same day. I was getting out of my car going into my apartment, and there were three thug boys standing by the door – I knew right away that I was supposed to give it to the tall one with the hat. When I handed over the bill to him, I told him that this was his opportunity to do something better than what I’ve done with this $5 bill – to do something great with it. I don’t know what happened with him."

These are some of the words an old high school friend wrote about her opportunity to take something as small as $5 and see where God would like it to be spent/used or in this case, given away.

To read more about Shelli's experience of paying it forward visit her blog grace covered, full of hope.

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